2019 Project Funding Recipients


Beech Grove High School

Beech Grove High School received project funding for a School Food Pantry, where they will store their learning garden produce and distribute food to student-families.


Ben Davis High School

Ben Davis received project funding to start on-site composting, launch a farm stand to sell garden produce, expand their school recycling program, and develop a celebration of life rain garden to honor lives lost in their school community.


piloted schools: Bethel park

Bethel Park received project funding to retrofit their outdoor lighting with LED lights, launch a student-led recycling program, and start a beekeeping program to learn about bees and collect honey.


Bishop Chatard Catholic School

Bishop Chatard received funding to start a composting program, diverting an estimated 30 lbs of food scraps from the landfill every day.


Brook Park elementary school

Brook Park Elementary received funding for water bottle refill stations to eliminate the use of single-use plastic bottles at the school.


Center for inquiry school #27

CFI #27 received project funding for a sustainability event where students will present their research on climate change and showcase an artistic representation of their data using recycled materials.


center for inquiry school #84

CFI #84 received project funding to start a bike club to promote healthy and safe cycling practices, and launch a no-idling campaign to monitor air quality and educate the school community on the dangers of vehicular emissions.


Christ the king catholic school

Christ the King received funding for commercial composting pick up, diverting an approx. 25 lbs of food waste from the landfill every day.


crooked creek elementary

Crooked Creek received funding to develop a new learning garden to teach students about agriculture, nutrition, and healthy eating habits.


herron high school

Herron High School received funding for a water bottle refill station to eliminate the use of single-use plastic bottles at the school.


holy angels catholic school

Holy Angels received funding for a water bottle refill station to eliminate the use of single-use plastic bottles at the school.


Indian Creek Elementary School

Indian Creek received funding to eliminate plastic waste from their cafeteria, replacing single-use plastic cutlery with durable silverware, and to expand their recycling program.


indianapolis lighthouse charter school south

Lighthouse received project funding to start raising chickens, teaching students how to care for animals and how to grow and acquire their own food.


ips/butler lab school #60

The IPS Butler Lab received funding to start a zero waste cafeteria and an environmental capstone group where students will explore innovative ways for the school to be more sustainable.


kipp indy college prep middle

KIPP Indy received project funding to do garden to classroom tastings and start a garden farm stand using the produce from their learning garden.


Lew wallace elementary school

Lew Wallace received funding to restore their old track into a tranquility track with a monarch prairie, a space for students to exercise, de-escalate and reflect.


Liberty Park elementary school

Liberty Park received funding to develop a sensory path, a place for students to use their cognitive, sensory, and kinesthetic skills in fun and imaginative ways.


Mary castle elementary school

Mary Castle received funding to expand their paper recycling program, to start a new plastic and metal recycling program, and to source rain barrels to sustainably maintain their outdoor learning areas.


nora elementary school

Nora Elementary received funding to repair their existing garden by adding a rain garden and a pollinator garden to capture rainwater and support native pollinators.


northside montessori school

Northside Montessori received funding expand their student-led recycling program to include plastic, paper, and cardboard recycling.


oaklandon elementary school

Oaklandon received funding to eliminate plastic waste from their cafeteria, replacing single-use plastic cutlery with durable silverware.


paramount community heights

Paramount received funding to develop a learning garden, the school’s first agro-ecology asset for the new campus.


pike high school

Pike High School received funding to retrofit their nature center with LED lights, consuming 40% less energy, and to install a water bottle refill station.


riverside high school

Riverside High School received funding for a water bottle refill station to eliminate the use of single-use plastic bottles at the school.


sanders school

Sanders received funding to retrofit their building with solar control window film, reducing their energy usage and creating a safer environment for students.


School for community learning

The School for Community Learning received funding to start an Eco Science Lab, equipped with a pollinator garden and an edible/medicinal garden.


sense charter school

SENSE received funding to host a sustainability-themed Science Night event, to reinstate their paper recycling program, and to start composting food scraps from the cafeteria.


south grove intermediate school

South Grove received funding to increase the number of teachers preparing garden to classroom tastings of produce grown in the school learning garden.


southport high school

Southport received funding to reduce waste in the cafeteria, fieldhouse, and stadium by eliminating styrofoam trays and installing bins to capture recyclable materials at sporting events.


speedway high school

Speedway received funding to start a new learning garden and to enhance the existing garden at nearby Wheeler Elementary School.


william mckinley school

William McKinley received funding to start raising chickens for students to learn about the life cycle of the food system and how to care for animals.